Knowing your learning style can help you maximize your learning potential. It is a self-assessment tool which can show you your unique way of taking in and making sense of the world around you.
There are various self-assessment tools and theories regarding learning styles but the most popular model is the Index of Learning Styles created by Richard Felder, Linda Silverman and Barbara Solomon. This model is founded on the idea that each person has an individualized method of learning which falls into one of four following dimensions.
To learn more about the Felder’s Index of Learning Styles, you can download the Learning Styles Index Handout. The handout consists of 4 pages and describes each learning style in more detail. To read publications and learn more about the Felder-Silverman model of learning styles.
To help you understand your individual learning style, you can complete and submit the 44 item questionnaire online and receive an evaluation of your learning style and study habits.