1. Applicant must be a spring 2022 Colorado high school graduating senior, and meet one of the following requirements: identify as a student of color, be the first generation (neither parent/guardian received a bachelor's degree) to attend college, and/or be a student with financial need. 2. Applicant must be a graduate of a Colorado High School. (Open to all Colorado residents regardless of legal residency or citizenship). 4. Applicant must enroll at a 2 or 4 year Colorado college or university in the fall of 2022 and take a minimum of 6 credit hours. 5. Applicant must have a minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 2.80 (non-weighted) or higher. 6. Applicant will be selected by, but not limited to, the following criteria: academic performance, awards and accomplishments, community and school involvement, community service (particularly within underrepresented communities), and financial need.